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Writer's pictureLynette Allcock

Things I Learned While Teaching in Korea

I've come to the bittersweet end of a chapter. I came to Korea to teach, and now after two years, I'm leaving my school. Here are some things I've learned while I've been here:

  • Children are wonderful gifts to the world.

  • Just because you're good at something doesn't mean you have to do it forever.

  • Who you are not is as important as who you are. Knowing your limitations is a good thing.

  • There is a lot to love about Korea. There are also frustrating, not-so-good things. You have to pick your battles. And your focus.

  • Change is tough, even positive change. And good relationship is necessary for advocating for and facilitating change.

  • It's OK to need help.

  • It's OK to stay in your comfort zone sometimes, and it's also important to take risks sometimes.

  • Belonging is different to fitting in.

  • I'm not as young as I was!! In some ways, adjusting to life abroad is easier when you're younger, but there are perks to being abroad when you're older too.

  • Listen to people's advice and experiences, but take everything -- the good and the bad -- with a pinch of salt. Your experience is unique to you and, in many ways, is what you make it.

  • Settling down is as challenging as moving around.

  • There are always gifts. Even in the hard places.

These may not all be new revelations, true. But Korea solidified many of these things I've been learning over time. I'll be expanding some of these points in future blog posts, but for now, let me know -- can you relate to any of the lessons I've learned?


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Anna Smit
Anna Smit
Aug 31, 2023

Firstly: congrats on finishing well and being faithful to God's calling and sanctifying work that is blessing us as a Body too, as you share all you're learning. You so encourage me.

I can relate to every single point you make here. I am especially lingering in this:

Who you are not is as important as who you are. Knowing your limitations is a good thing.

I've been praying for clarity as to my part in the Body and how that part fits together into the Body to help me and others function well with Christ at our Head and belonging place. So, this is such a helpful reflection of yours to help me seek and ask and knock for…

Lynette Allcock
Lynette Allcock
Sep 02, 2023
Replying to

Thank you Anna! I so appreciate your encouragement for me too. The “who I’m not“ point is something I’m also thinking about a’s a gradually unfolding realization. Praying that you will find clarity too!

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